What is acne?
Acne is a skin condition that manifests itself in different ways. The collective name acne is used when there is increased sebum production and an accumulation of bacteria. This manifests itself in various forms, for example blackheads or inflammation. Depending on the exact cause of acne, it is generally treatable – or at least reduced. Do this with care and with the right knowledge, so that you prevent scars and pigment spots, or even more annoying: the acne worsens.
Types of acne
Various types of acne are distinguished. Acne vulgaris is the most common form. 'Vulgaris' therefore means 'ordinary'. If you suffer from this form of acne, you may experience different types of pimples. These can occur in various places on your body, such as your face, neck, back, shoulders and chest. NB! How to treat your acne depends on the type of pimple.
Comedones: These are the non-inflamed version of pimples. There are two types of comedones. There is the closed variant that forms a white, small subcutaneous pimple on the skin surface, also called a 'whitehead'. You also have the open comedone. This blockage of the pore turns black, hence the nickname 'blackhead'. This is also called a blackhead.
Papules: Here we are dealing with an inflamed pimple. A papule is red and does not have a white head filled with pus.
Pustules: A pustule is a red, inflamed pimple with a white pus head.
Nodules: These are large, subcutaneous pustules. This annoying inflammation occurs when there is too much pressure on the wall of the pore. This causes the inflammation to spread into the second layer of the skin.
Cysts: If you suffer from cysts, you really need to be careful. Since these are deep, pus-filled pockets, a cyst poses the greatest risk in terms of scarring.
In addition to the different types of pimples, various types of acne can be distinguished based on the location on the body, the cause and the types of pimples. For example, acne conglobata mainly occurs in men and manifests itself in subcutaneous pustules on the shoulders, back and chest.
Causes of acne
The cause of acne is multifaceted. Unfortunately, there is not one tool or treatment that will make your pimples disappear like snow in the sun. Ultimately, acne can be traced back to increased sebum production and the presence of bacteria. But where exactly that comes from varies per person and per situation. Sometimes it is hereditary or there is a hormonal imbalance. In addition, there are various factors that can 'trigger' or worsen acne. Think of using the wrong cream or make-up, but also of diet, stress and smoking.
How can you treat acne?
Whether you suffer from a mild or more severe form of acne, you naturally want to treat it as best as possible. Since the cause of acne can vary, every skin benefits from good skin care. And that starts with figuring out how best to treat your skin. In any case, do not use aggressive and drying products. After all, acne skin is very irritated skin that is out of balance. So look there too proper skincare routine at.
Creams and other products against acne
If you want to treat acne effectively, it is important to use the right products. That starts with good advice from an expert. Therefore, please contact the IMAGE Skincare Professional near you, or ask your question directly via the chat at the bottom right of our website. Our professionals are happy to tell you more about the products and treatments that ensure beautiful, healthy skin! Would you like to do some research yourself? Then be sure to take a look at our CLEAR CELL-line and the AGELESS-line. These products are extremely suitable for reducing and preventing acne.
Tips for skin care for acne
A good and appropriate routine for every skin starts with good, but mild cleansing every morning and evening. Did you know that we always have a 'double cleanse' advice for optimal skin improvement?
Protect your skin well during the day with an SPF and restore your skin in the evening with a cream that balances the skin.
Also add a serum to your routine and explore the use of acids. This is how salicylic acid removing dead skin cells and dissolving sebum, making your pores less likely to become clogged. Salicylic acid also has a soothing and anti-inflammatory effect, which is of course perfect for irritated, inflamed skin.
Have acne treated professionally
In addition to helping you choose the right products for your skin, our skin specialists are of course ready to treat your skin. Because: we create the best version of your skin together! The IMAGE Skincare Professionals are happy to tell you more about professional treatments for acne. After an intake and analysis, they will determine which treatment and products best suit your type of acne. Good to know: in many cases, acne treatment is covered by the health insurer.